Money-Back Guarantee

We are confident in our product, our science, and our shipping. That’s why we proudly offer a money-back guarantee.

If you’re not satisfied with a Visbiome® Vet product that you purchased directly from our website or through our call center (1-844-FIT-GUTS/348-4887), you may return the product within 60 days from the date the product was purchased for a refund of the purchase price you paid (after any discounts or coupons) not to exceed the cost of TWO bottles of Visbiome Vet Capsules or ONE box of Visbiome Vet 225 Packets or ONE box of Visbiome Vet Constipation Care.

If you purchased our capsule product, we will refund up to $92.95. If you purchased our Visbiome Vet packets, we will refund up to $64.95.


Steps To Take To Request a Refund

To request a refund, please follow these steps:

Complete and print the Refund Request Form

Send the Refund Request Form, original product package, insulated cooler, receipt or packing slip, and any unused product to:

Get Request Form

Items To Include in the Return

To receive a refund, include:

The original product package and any used product
The shipper box
The receipt or packing slip

Noteworthy Factors to Remember

Here are some key noteworthy factors to remember before you request or receive a refund.

  • You are responsible for the cost of sending these items to us and we will not refund you that cost.
  • Your refund request must be postmarked within 60 days from the date the product was purchased.
  • No requests from groups, clubs, or organizations will be honored.
  • We will not honor incomplete submissions.
  • We are not responsible for lost, late, or undelivered submissions.
  • Refunds take 6-8 weeks for processing.

This is a limited guarantee. The terms and conditions of this limited guarantee must be satisfied to receive a refund. Requests for refunds that do not comply with the terms and conditions of this limited guarantee will not be honored. We may change or eliminate this guarantee at any time.

If You Have Any Questions About the
Refund Process, Please Contact Us.